
Scorcio del borgo medievale

This ancient settlement stands in a rocky stone that reminds its past role as the Montefeltro ‘sentinel’. The Castrum was theatre of heavy fightings during Late Middle Ages: indeed, according to legend, red colour of the local rocks is due to the victims’s bloodshed, during the fighting between the owner of Pietrarubbia Guelph Count Taddeo and Ghibellines who laid his castle waste. Actually, the name of the village comes from the naturally red coloured local stone: Petra Rubea.
The 14th century Castle, which still preserves some ruins and the massive tower, hosts today the renowned T.A.M. Centre (Artistic Treatment of Metals), an initiative promoted by the sculptor Arnaldo Pomodoro, in order to renew and foster this medieval village. Mercato Vecchio is a small hamlet nearby Pietrarubbia, developed more recently by those inhabitants who left their former area in order to find better an more favourable places for economic activities: this is why the name of this place reminds old and traditional cattle markets.

:: Interesting Sites
Museo della Ceramica (produzione e rinvenimenti storici)
TAM Trattamento Artistico dei Metalli (Palazzo Gentilizio)
Museo Naturalistico Multimediale (loc. Ponte Cappuccini-Ente Parco)
Torre e Antico borgo dei Conti di Carpegna (XII sec.)
Borgo Medievale del Castello
Convento di San Silvestro (XVI sec.)
Chiesa di Sant’Arduino (origini romaniche)
Palazzo Gentilizio (XI sec.)

:: Events
Festa del Gustantico - inizio agosto
Vecchio Mercato di Mercato Vecchio - dicembre

:: Info
Comune tel: 0722.75110 - 75177
e-mail: comune.pietrarubbia@provincia.ps.it
web: www.comune.pietrarubbia.pu.it
Ufficio Turistico tel: 0722.75350




Gothic legends

According to legend, the small village of St. Arduino placed nearby Pietrarubbia which can be seen climbed steeply up a ravine, until recent years contained a walled up crypt, in which someone found many skeletons, probably plague victims. However, people also tell that a countryman living in St. Arduino had a much better surprise, one night, while burrowing a hole into his garden: he discovered a treasure chest full of gold and gems, which made him rich.
The ancient Pietrarubbia, fixed dangerous course for who wanted to enter the mountainous heart of Montefeltro, has left these kind of legends.

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