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Veduta del Castello dei Conti Oliva

Piandimeleto stands on the right side of the Foglia river. It was probably founded by the Massa Trabaria rectors during the 13th century in order to provide the scattered inhabitants who were settled in the surrounding hills with a well organized and fortified place. However, the area developed only after the 14th century with the Oliva Counts from Piagnano, when they made of the village the main residence of their small feud. During the 15th century the Oliva Counts builded their Palace by replacing the previous papal fortress. Today, the elegant palace of the Oliva Counts soars above the Foglia river, hosting every year a famous historical event.
Today, the palace hosts museums and exhibitions. The Church of St. Biagio (previously the St. Agostino Monastery, built in 1285), contains Gothic tombstones of the Oliva Counts as well as 16th century frescos representing a “Madonna with Child and Saints”. Monastero is a nearby centre where you will find the Benedictine Abbey of Mutino dating back to the 12th century.

:: Interesting Sites
Museo del Fungo (oltre 200 calchi in gesso e una preziosa biblioteca micologica)
Mostra Micologica (località San Sisto)
Museo del Lavoro Contadino (Castello dei Conti Oliva)
Museo di Scienze della Terra (Castello dei Conti Oliva)
Museo dell’Araldica (Castello dei Conti Oliva)
Abbazia Benedettina del Mutino (presso frazione di Monastero e Cavoleto)
Castello dei Conti Oliva (XV sec.)
Chiesa Parrocchiale di S. Agostino (XIII sec., con affreschi del XV - XVI sec.)

:: Events
Festa del Fungo di San Sisto - fine settembre
Palio dei Conti Oliva, rievocazione storica medievale - fine luglio
Equiraduno Trekking - Località San Sisto, fine settembre

:: Info
Comune tel: 0722.721121 - 721835
e-mail: comune.piandimeleto@provincia.ps.it
web: www.comune.piandimeleto.pu.it
Ufficio Turistico tel: 0722.721528


Raphael the child

Veduta del Castello dei Conti Oliva

History weaves a web of interesting events that can be compared to the sumptuous wall hangings owned by the Montefeltro family, by linking Piandimeleto to Raphael Sanzio. As a matter of fact, in 1488 the Oliva Counts commissioned an altarpiece in the Chapel of Montefiorentino from Giovanni Santi, Raphael’s father. Giovanni Santi worked at this altarpiece together with Raphael, who was still a child, and Evangelista from Piandmeleto, who was a painter, decorator and a gilder as well. Later on, when Giovanni Santi died, Evangelista from Piandimeleto was appointed as Raphael’s tutor in order to train and give him that first humanistic and artistic teaching which helped him later to become “Raphael the Great”.