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Rocca Ubaldinesca

The village settled on the hill that overshadows over the Foglia valley surrounds the Ubaldinesca Fortress. Its name Sassocorvaro goes back to the 13th century. It is probably due to the founder father named Corbarius or, according to other sources, to many rooks - ‘corvi’ - which used to make their home among local rocks and stones. Ottaviano of the Ubaldini wanted to build the Fortress on behalf of Federico of the Montefeltro in 1475. This building is an extraordinary historical example of military architecture. It was designed by the famous architect Francesco di Giorgio Martini, and was the first Italian fortress to be able to resist the bombard.
Today the Ubaldinesca Fortress contains a 18th century court theatre and the Civic Picture Gallery. During the Second World War, this fortified building was setting of international matters: the Superintendent of Antiques Pasquale Rotondi from Urbino chose the Fortress of Sassocorvaro as a safe hiding place in order to rescue the inestimable value works of art that could be lost during the war, with the result that he collected over 10 thousand paintings coming from the greatest Italian museums. The “Tempest” by Giorgione, the “Madonna of Senigallia” by Piero della Francesca, the “Ideal City”or the portrait of Duke Federico by Piero della Francesca are only some paintings of the whole precious collection rescued here. In memory of this great deed, some rooms of the Fortress exhibit today about fifty reductions of the most famous paintings hosted in Sassocorvaro during the war.

:: Interesting Sites
Rocca Ubaldinesca costruzione militare di Francesco di Giorgio Martini (XV sec.)
Chiesa San Giovanni Battista (con bassorilievi del XIV e XV sec.)
Oratorio SS. Trinità (XII sec.)
Chiesa S.Rocco (XIII sec.)
Cripta reliquie di S. Valentino (reliquia - Oratorio SS. Trinità)
Borgo medievale di Piagnano
Lago di Mercatale (possibilità di pic nic)

:: Events
Arca dell'Arte Premio Rotondi - seconda settimana di giugno
Festa del Contado - 13 - 14 - 15 agosto
La Marsanella - Località Piagnano, metà luglio
Antica fiera di San Martino - Località Mercatale, 10-11-12 novembre

:: Info
Comune tel: 0722.769011
e-mail: comune.sassocorvaro@provincia.ps.it
web: www.comune.sassocorvaro.pu.it
Ufficio Turistico Pro Loco tel: 0722.76177



Sassocorvaro and the blessed love

Sassocorvaro is waiting for you to discover its historical, artistic and natural heritage. However, you can prefer to enter the village for sentimental reasons. If you are in love and wish that your feeling lasts and bounds your sweetheart and you by a strong tie of affection, visit the Holy Trinity Oratory where you will find the urn containing Saint Valentine’skull. As a real “pilgrimage”, every year more and more couples reach Sassocorvaro on Saint Valentine’s Day, in order to thank the patron Saint of lovers for granting their wishes.

Entrata Oratorio della S.S.Trinità