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Convento di Monte Illuminato

The village of Lunano is named after the Castrum Leonani or Liunani, a Thirteenthcentury Fortress that looks over the village and the valley. The earliest documents in which the Fortress is mentioned are from the Montefeltro Council and date back to the 13th century; they quote “a free castle inhabited by free people”.
Both the ruins of the Fortress and the further 15th century building by Francesco di Giorgio Martini are still preserved here. The historical events bounded Lunano to the Montefeltro family and the Papal State, till the unification of Italy.
Today this village benefits from working local industries and crafts. The 19th century parish Church contains a precious organ by Gaetano Calido of the Eighteenth-century and a chapel devoted to the Lourdes’s Madonna inaugurated in 1965, built on the right side of the church.

:: Interesting Sites

Collina di Paganico (spartiacque tra le valli del Foglia e del Metauro)
Zona di ritrovamento di reperti archeologici pre-romani
Il Castello (sec. XIII), punto panoramico sulla Valle del Mutino e la Valle dell'Alto Foglia
Convento francescano di Monte Illuminato (sec. XIII)
Percorso della “Biodiversità” (sentieri per trekking, mountain-bike ed equitazione)
Lupaiolo - Logo

:: Events
Festa della Castagna - fine settembre-inizio ottobre
Giro dei Castagni in mountain bike

:: Info
Comune tel: 0722.70126
e-mail: comune.lunano@provincia.ps.it
web: www.comune.lunano.pu.it
Pro Loco tel: 0722.736103


The light’s gift

The most suitable words to describe this place are ‘courtesy’ and ‘lightness’. Though the name itself of the village makes you imagine the brightening moonlight, Lunano includes in its area a particular hillside called Mount Illuminato that means ‘lighted mountain’: on the hill’s top you can find a towering semi-conserved Church, built in order to remember the miracle fulfilled by Saint Francis of Assisi passing through this place, when he gave a man back his sight. Since then the place has become a holy place able to cure sight diseases and has been called ‘Mount Illuminato’ in order to remember St Francis’s prodigy.

Convento di Monte Illuminato