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Veduta di Carpegna

Looking at the panorama of Carpegna, visitor’s attention is immediately attracted by a massive Palace built in 1675 by architect Giovanni Antonio de Rossi on behalf of Cardinal Gaspare from Carpegna that currently hosts Princes of Carpegna-Falconieri. During the Second World War many masterpieces of the most famous Italian paintings were defended inside this building. The family of the Counts of Carpegna- Falconieri is strictly linked to local past and recent history. This family has very old local origins that had merged with the Montefeltro, since 1200, because of common fights and rivalries which involved the most powerful local families. The County of Carpegna was an imperial gift. It remained independent till 1819, when it was included into the Papal State.
The original village included 15 ancient hamlets: each one of them still preserves its own historic and artistic church. In 1203 was built the Church of San Leo which hosts “The milk Virgin”, a painting ascribed by Pasquale Rotondi to Evangelista from Piandimeleto, the first Raphael’s art master: At the beginning of the 17th century was built the Church of San Nicolò which contains many precious works of art of the same period. However, among several churches, chapels, oratories and monasteries, it is worth visiting San Giovanni Battista’s Parish church, dating back to the 12th century. Prior to the year one thousand A.D. an older building was erected, maybe during the Carolingian period: unfortunately, the only evidences of this ancient church that still remain are some documents and few stone findings. Inside San Giovanni Battista’s church visitors can still admire an ancient altar and a magnificent baptistery of 1575.

:: Interesting Sites
Geoteca (raccolta di fossili, rocce e minerali)
Pieve romanica del XII sec.
Palazzo della famiglia di Carpegna-Falconieri

:: Events
Festa del Prosciutto DOP - quarto week end di luglio
Mostra dell'artigianato - agosto, Palazzo dei Principi
Mercatino delle Curiosità
Festa del Villaggio - secondo week end di ottobre

:: Info
Comune tel: 0722.727065
e-mail: comune.carpegna@provincia.ps.it
web: www.comune.carpegna.pu.it
Ufficio Turistico tel: 0722.77326
Comunità Montana tel: 0722.727003
email: cm.carpegna@provincia.ps.it
web: www.cm-carpegna.ps.it


The “Sun City”

[Nearby Carpegna, just on that plateau of Sasso Simone which looks over the whole Montefeltro, Cosimo De Medici started to build a “city” which, however, was never completely realized. One century later Cosimo’s project was given up. This steep place that is the boundary between the Duchy of Urbino and the Tuscany’s Grand Duchy was supposed to become the outpost of the threatening Florence’s family against Urbino’s family. Currently, the borders between the Marches and Tuscany are still marked by Mount Sasso Simone, whose peak is remembered by local inhabitants as a legendary undying city. However, the urban map of the “Sun City” really exists: it is exposed in Prague’s National Archive, as an evidence of the unrivalled power of ideas compared with any natural or political boundary.

Sasso Simone