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Monte Grimano Terme

Il borgo a spirale

The village has very old origins that date back to the 10th century. It clings to a hill from where there is a fine view over the valley that goes from the Adriatic coast to the Montefeltro rural land.
The ancient village preserves the original spiral framework: buildings surround the old fortress which during the centuries changed into a threebells civic tower, where the oldest bell goes back to1611 and still ticks the village’s hours away. The gentleman’s residence - now Municipal seat - also dates back to the 17th century, while the church placed in the middle of the historical centre, containing the precious “Madonna delle Grazie” baroque canvas (from Venice School), was built during the end of the 18th century.
Recently, the toponym “Terme” has been placed side by side to the previous name of the village “Mons Germanus o Grimanus”, quoted in some 11th century documents. “Terme” has been added in order to stress the recent thermal vocation of the village. Monte Grimano’s thermal centre exploits mineral, alcaline, saline-bromoiodic and sulphureous waters, known since the 16th century for their healthy properties and used since the 19th century to attract tourists.

:: Interesting Sites
Centro Salute Erba Vita
Centro termale (apertura marzo - novembre)
Piccolo centro storico caratteristico

:: Events
Sagra dello Spignolo - Località M. Tassi, primo week end di giugno
Sagra della Lumaca - Località M. Tassi, quarto week end di giugno
Settimana culturale, Festa di ieri - quarta settimana di luglio

:: Info
Comune tel: 0541.970125
e-mail: comune.montegrimanoterme@provincia.ps.it
web: www.comune.montegrimanoterme.pu.it
Ufficio Turistico, Pro Loco
tel: 0541.920020
fax: 0541.970014



An astronomical view

Monte Grimano is not only a natural observatory that looks over the Conca valley, San Marino and Romagna landscapes: it also has a real astronomical observatory, settled in San Lorenzo, used to observe the stars in the universe and promote popular and educational non-profitmaking activities. In order to broaden your outlook at different levels, many typologies of night school and excursions are waiting for you.

cell: 347.2990504 - 339.3163631
e-mail: info@gadlf.org
web: www.gadlf.org